Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Library Haul #2

Or maybe my little toenails have stayed the same size while my feet have grown. 
No, that doesn't make sense. 

Another trip to the library. Melbourne City Library.

The Hedghog

Highlander's Farewell (Alasdair Fraser, Natalie Haas)
Flight of the Concords

Talk Dirty French by Alexis Munier
The Depression Cure by Dr Steve Ilardi

No cookbooks I hope you realise. It was hard but I managed it!

I'm listening to Highlander's Farewell as I type. 
I love Celtic music. The strongly rhythmic music soothes me and I find anything with cello in it deeply satisfying.

Some offhand reviews:
The Hedghog
I read the book and couldn't get into it because of the grating hint of self-conscious pretentiousness and I also hated the ending.  So I already knew the ending of the movie which I still hated but on the whole I found the movie absorbing due to the beautifully innocent and melancholy performance of Garance Le Guillermic who played Paloma. I hear echos of The Piano theme on track 8 Gloomy Winter's Noo Awa' ?

I really thought they could have filled out Renee's background a little more as wonderful as Paloma was. 

Here's a 'dirty' french word picked at random for your pleasure. 

ne plus se sentir pisser
to be walking on air, lit. to not feel oneself pee

Now I'll be on the lookout in the french films I've borrowed. 

P.S The really really dirty words are all at the back. Whoo boy. 

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