Thursday, April 19, 2012


I burned through 10G of data from my internet mobile broadband in less than 3 weeks. 
And because Virgin makes their customers have TWO logins (how completely stupid is that?), one for billing services and another for data/webmail, duh.....of course I've forgotten my data login password and login name. 

Truly, I haven't downloaded any movies/music/filthy least having that on my computer might make having used up 10 whole gigabytes of data allowance worthwhile but I've got nothing tangible other than some blog posts to show for it.

I've purchased an extra 1G to tide me over. I can't live without the net.

Well, I'm going on about how annoyed I am because I also can't seem to log into my Vodafone mobile phone account either. I've forgotten that password too. 

What else? I've forgotten my phone banking information from ANZ as well!

I guess I better really add some fish oils to my little pharmacy. 

Today I didn't get run over by a car -- I got bumped which is still really infuriating. The car was close to the road but motionless long enough so that as I was walking along the footpath, I crossed in front of her to get to the other side and as I was in front of her, the woman drove towards me and pushed me with the car. She could not have not seen me as I was right in front of the drivers side and she had to drive a few feet to get to where I was. I banged on her bonnet twice hard and shouted at her. As I walked past and turned to see who it was, I could see a woman in professional clothing (striped shirt) in sunglassses, yelling back and waving her arms at me. 

I'm not above hoping that woman has a really bad day and actually, I hope she has a crappy life. Anyone who yells at the person they could have injured, are scum and I hope bad things happen to them. 

Let's see what I've been up to:

Ordered some bike stuff -Ortlieb back panniers, and a rear bike rack. I've calculated that I need to cycle to work and into the city between 36-74 times to break even. Even less if I can sell my awful Crumpler bag. What?! Yes! I hate Crumpler okay?! I know it's an iconic bag. I know 1 in 3 Melbournites have them. I don't care! They make my neck and shoulder hurt. I finally figured out why my left shoulder hurts all the time. It's because I use my bleeding Crumpler all the time and since I've stopped, my shoulder is better. Q.E.D

Ordered Liteneasy 7 day meal plan 1500 cal to start next Tuesday. I need to lose weight. It only hit home when I automatically started knitting a sweater for myself in the small size. Finished the body, started on one sleeve, tried it on and realised to my horror that I looked like I had squeezed into a wetsuit and I just bulged in all directions. I know all about unhealthy waist proportions and I've got one. I'd like to keep going until I lose 5kg then hopefully by then, I can get the hang of approximate portion sizing.

Went to a cycle class tonight at the Virgin Active gym on Bourke which will be the last time I go to the cycle class there. The instructors turn the music on so loud that I can't hear what they are saying and when I go home, I hear a continuous high pitched keening in my ears as if I'd been out clubbing. It's not just the cycle classes either, it's the dance class, etc...I love cycle classes but I love my hearing more. I've already given them that feedback and I suppose they've chosen to ignore it. Well, since the Carlton YMCA is back on later this year after their massive renovations, that's where I'll go back to. 
On second thought, I do have earplugs but that's ridiculous. 
I miss the fantastic cycle class instructor I had at the Fernwood gym in Newtown (NSW). She was brilliant, - gave clear instructions, reinforced good posture always, was encouraging and had an inspiringly hot bod too. 

Went to a skin clinic to have the apocalyptic eruptions on my chin treated. It is not just one deep painful cystic acne, there are four as well as twenty acne pustules all on my little chinny chin chin. Truly revolting.
Came away with a serum (as I expected), underwent an LED light therapy session and an appointment for next week. I'm praying this helps. 

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